Teeth Abrasion

Dental abrasion is the progressive erosion of dental enamel caused by causes such as excessive brushing, vigorous tooth brushing procedures, or the use of abrasive toothpaste. Enamel, the outermost covering of the teeth, serves as a robust shield against harm and deterioration. Enamel erosion may result in tooth discomfort, heightened susceptibility to cavities, and cosmetic issues.

Below are many essential aspects about dental abrasion and strategies to avoid it:

Factors contributing to teeth abrasion:

  • Excessive brushing: Brushing with excessive force or using a toothbrush with harsh bristles may gradually erode tooth enamel.
  • Abrasive toothpaste refers to toothpaste formulations that include particles with a rough texture. Regular use of such toothpaste may lead to the wearing away of tooth enamel.
  • Incorrect Method: Utilizing a back-and-forth scrubbing motion instead of a smooth circular motion when brushing might lead to the erosion of tooth enamel.
  • Excessive consumption of acidic foods and drinks may lead to the softening of enamel, increasing its vulnerability to abrasion.

Proactive measures and treatment:
  • Opt for a toothbrush with soft bristles to reduce the risk of enamel erosion and gum inflammation.
  • Delay After Acidic meals: After consuming acidic meals or beverages, it is advisable to wait around 30 minutes before cleaning your teeth. Enamel is momentarily softened by acidic circumstances, and brushing immediately after might contribute to its erosion.
  • Restrict the consumption of acidic foods and beverages: Minimize the intake of acidic foods and beverages such as citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, and goods containing vinegar.
  • Delicate Brushing: Cleanse your teeth by using a delicate and circular motion. Refrain from using excessive force or using forceful cleaning techniques.
  • Select a Mild Toothpaste: Choose toothpaste that has a low level of abrasiveness. Seek toothpaste brands that are recommended by dental experts.
  • To prevent teeth grinding, individuals with a propensity of bruxism should see their dentist to explore potential methods of controlling this condition. Grinding may expedite the erosion of enamel.

If you believe that you have previously encountered enamel abrasion, get advice from your dentist at Aviva Dental in Etobicoke. They may assess the state of your teeth, provide suggestions for avoiding more erosion, and propose remedies for sensitivity or other problems resulting from enamel depletion.

It is important to remember that practicing good oral hygiene and employing gentle oral care techniques are essential for keeping the health of your teeth and enamel. It is advisable to see your Aviva Dental expert in Etobicoke if you have concerns about teeth abrasion or any other dental problems.